• Hou YijieJournaling
  • 2023.8.8-8.10
  • 2/F, No.7, Zhongshan West St., Nantou City, Shenzhen

MANGROVEGALLERY is honoured to introduce an Artist-in-Residence Programme in collaboration with Nantou City, Shenzhen. For the first resident artist, we invite Hou Yijie, a young Chinese artist, to participate in a one-month residency. The studio was opened from August 8th to August 10th, 2023 to present his works during his stay, which captured his most recent thoughts and inspiration around history, city life and individual feelings.

Graduated from the Printmaking Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Hou Yijie often tries to combine the instantaneous feeling of creation with his usual long-term rational working method, trying to feel and capture such transient feelings in the process of making and painting, and gradually finding a unique entry point where experimentation and consistency intersect. Instead of pursuing an established image, he chooses to embrace the turns of life. For Hou Yijie, painting is not only a means of generating images, but also a way of self-questioning, a perspective that extends beyond distance.

During his residency, he walks along the city and goes deep into the corners where modern lives reside, trying to grasp the clues that exist behind history, imagination, and thoughts. He uses lighter and more casual style to capture moments across time and distance, some are hidden in the depths of the bamboo forests where chivalry retreats and some are exposed on the stacked gold ore. The manuscripts recorded in daily life are put into dialogues, leaving behind the humid and mysterious traces that solely belong to the city in the South…



Installation views



  • No. 110, South Square
    One Shenzhen Bay
    Shenzhen, China
  • +86 755 8652 2860
  • Wednesday - Saturday